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Fun Dives - Shipwreck Form

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Fun Dives


Eurobulker X Shipwreck

One of the largest shipwrecks to visit in the country, is located in Lefkadi, just a breath away from Athens.
Το Eurobulker X
On September 1, 2000, completing the loading of 32,031 tons of cement from CHALKIDA CEMENT at 8:30 in the morning, it started for Egypt. Shortly after, and precisely at 10:20, the ship was cut in two after wrong loading, off the shore of Lefkadi in Evia
During the wreck one Ukrainian lost his life and four other crew members were injured. 
The Eurobulker X is 196m long and is submerged in perpendicular position at 36m with the mast protruding from the surface.
On our 2 dives we will visit the bridge, the big crack, the first hold, the kitchen, the sailors' lounge, the corridors and the staircase that led to the rooms, the bathroom and the tank storage room.

Includes: 2 dives, boat transfer, instructor, DAN dive insurance, tanks and weights.

Participation cost: 80€
Complete set of equipment: 15€
Required Certification: Open Water Diver
Certification required for penetration: Wreck Diver Specialty

Kassandra Shipwreck

The ship "Kassandra" had set sail on February 27, 1973 from the port of Volos with a cargo of 580 tons of cement to Patmos, Kalymnos and Kos. The following evening the captain left control of the ship to his assistant to have dinner. When he returned half an hour later, he realized that the course he was following was wrong and they were heading for a rocky islet. He immediately turned the rudder, but it was too late and the boat ran aground on the rocky bottom near the islet of Akios or Paturada in the southern Evia. The ship was initially watertight, but began to sink due to inflow of water and finally on March 2, 1973 after its seven-member crew abandoned it, the ship sank.The wreck is standing in perpendicular position at the end of the island's rocks on a sandy bottom. It is a very beautiful wreck that combines shallow depth and good visibility, especially in the summer months, making the wreck visible even from the surface.

Today the wreck is a diving attraction. Inside the engine room the diver can see the ship's engine, the pump and some of its instruments, while during the tour of the rest of the rooms he has the opportunity to pass with safety through stairs and small corridors. The wreck, acting as an artificial reef, has gathered a wide variety of marine life, making it an excellent subject for photography.

Includes: Boat transfer, instructor, DAN dive insurance, tanks and weights
Enriched air is also provided to anyone who has the EANx Specialty (+3€)

Cost: 50€
Complete set of equipment: 15€
Required Certification: Open Water Diver
Certification required for penetration: Wreck Diver Specialty

German Warship

Dive on the German warship with memories from World War 2. Sunken in the Mediterranean Sea at 36m depth is rich in underwater life.
What will we see?
The ship is now home for lobsters and 2 large conger fish. There are also yellow and black sponges, as well as a blanket of minnows covering the wreck.
The helm remains intact. The machine gun mount on the bow, the German beers and the bomb load on the open deck are some of the points that make it unique.
The wreck is visible from 20m and the dive starts from a descent line.
Only experienced divers can participate.

Includes: Boat transfer, instructor, DAN dive insurance, tanks and weights
Enriched air is also provided to anyone who has the EANx Specialty (+3€)

Cost: 60€
Complete set of equipment: 15€
Experience: at least 30 logged dives
Required Certification: Advanced Open Water Diver, Deep Diver, EANx